Saturday, June 16, 2012

Summer Scene

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I stopped by Wilkerson Farms yesterday to buy some more grass fed beef.  One of the owners, Carrie, has a lovely stand of summertime flowers in front of her home, and after loving on Lexie the dog, I took some pictures of the flowers.  The one I posted for my daily was my favorite.  I think that's an American Lady (or Painted Lady) butterfly which are quite common around here right now.  A group of them were all over the coneflower enjoying themselves.

I isolated out the coneflower and butterfly wing after adding some sharpness to then add the green vignette which warmed up the colors.  I didn't want a green coneflower or wing but liked the vignette around the rest of the shot.

Here's the original for comparison.  I like the colors in my pp better but I added a bit of grain which I wish I hadn't.

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Happy Father's Day weekend to all the dads out there.  I had the privilege of taking a few shots for Madi's dad, Danny, yesterday.  By the time we decided to take them, I had to use my flash, so maybe I can get a few more in this location over the weekend although it would be hard to top these poses and faces.

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Danny certainly is blessed starting a new job and having such a lovely wife and daughter at home as well as his two handsome older sons Tyler and Daniel.

Look at the anole lizard in the hydrangea flower!

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My daily obligatory food shot as I continue to try new dishes and monitor what we eat.  This was the first time I bought fresh carrots (from Ball's Berries and Produce stand).  I had a really nice chat with the owner, Roger Ball, and he suggested I try the carrots and beets.  Good idea!  They say you should know your farmer, and I am enjoying my conversations with the older gentleman each time I stop in for free range eggs or produce.  Although not organic, I think he's got the right idea about minimally using chemicals only when absolutely necessary.  I'm working my way up to asking him for a picture of him and/or his barns behind the produce stand:-)

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