Most nights we have 1-3 opossums eating around and under our bird feeders. The kids and I shine the flashlight through my office window to see if they are out there, happy, and eating. If we go out, they just go up one of the trees and hope that we'll go away. Did you know that opossums are the only North American marsupial. Yep, they have a pouch for their babies.
Daffodils are always a sure sign of spring. I think they call this one sunny side up:-) or some egg name.
We are lucky to have a pair of white breasted nuthatches in the birdhouse on this pine tree in our front yard. I learned that nuthatches like pine trees. I guess this location is a natural spot for them then. I see lots of activity in and out of the box for 3+ weeks now, so hopefully we'll have babies soon and maybe more than 1 brood.
Cedar waxwings eating a holly berry off the ground
Cedar waxwings eating juniper berries.
Christine and Danny have bluebirds in their usual bluebird box. Last I knew, the count was 4. We see the bluebird sitting on these pinkish white eggs. Usually the eggs are blue, but we read up, and about 4% of bluebird eggs are this color. There are several theories why, but they aren't entirely sure why this variation occurs. The article went on to say that the 'babies' would be fine and not albino or anything.
The shot below is a hemaris diffinus moth that looks like a combination of a bee/hummingbird. He was sharing the yoshino cherry with various bees and butterflies.
Every year in march the swallowtail butterflies find their way to the new yoshino cherry blossoms. It is a delight to watch them and take pictures of them.