Friday, August 24, 2012

Spot Anything Good?

SmugMug Daily Link

OK, this picture is sure to go down as the ugliest daily photo I have ever posted.  Oh well.  Except for making a few signs and using some masking tape to price things, I'm ready.  Good thing I have the garage because it's 77 and drizzling outside.  Lots of good finds in here for folks with small kids from books to board games to that Little Tikes blue race car bed (back left).  Outside and not pictured is a bunch more Little Tikes stuff.  Hopefully a few of the bigger ticket items go so I can consider the yard sale a success and just go drop off all the little stuff at Guardian Angel Thrift.

Thanks for all the well wishes on my yard/garage sale. This is only the 2nd time in 20 years I've done this. I hate the traffic it will generate in the neighborhood but feel with this much stuff it's justified. Once every 10 years isn't too often, right?

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