Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Halloween Mandala

SmugMug Daily Link

This is my first ever created mandala.  I was inspired by TinaMarie's post from yesterday.  The picture below is what I used.  You end up using just a small section of it.

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This is the tutorial I used on PSE7.  I used a 4 pieces of pie template, though instead of 3.

I've improvised a bit because the first completed on looked like this.
SmugMug Link Purple is a much better color than pink for Halloween.  I also thought the peg board was too much reality so used a blur to get rid of it.  I do wonder if however after I blurred it out if maybe I should have somehow textured it back since it's the only blurred area in the shot.  Personal preference i guess.  Also, if I were to redo this, I would keep a margin around my creation and crop a close square at the end.  As you'll note, just a bit of the design/circle is off the frame.  It was not too hard to select each pink area, layer via cut, and build a layer of the pieces so that I could adjust the color and blur. Anyone got some nifty pieces of pie psd files they'd be willing to share?  The one I found is pretty small, and I'd love a bigger one.  Anyone build an action to just create a mandala from an image?  That would be very cool! Here is a second one I did more on a harvest theme.
SmugMug Link And the original image.
SmugMug Link
Who else wants to give this a try?  Ping me if you have questions...

1 comment:

Katherine Edison said...

I love the mandalas! I don't have PS, so can't try it at home. But I look forward to seeing more of yours!