Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Chocolate Machine

Joey and I attended Gerbo's Gravity Racer Workshop at the Museum of Life and Science in Durham this afternoon. Steve Gerberich, the artist behind the Holiday Springs and Sprockets exhibit, hosted the workshop. Joey and 6 other boys near his age worked with supplies and tools provided by the workshop to construct a race car. A basic wood rectangle for the base and 4 bolted on wheels were the foundation for each racer. Then, the kids got to search in Mr. Gerberich's bins for items to decorate their racers. The kids could hot glue on items up to 16oz and then take home the finished race car. Joey found a wood piece in the shape of a Hershey's Chocolate Kiss and used that as the focal point of his decorations. He had a small glass bottle, a cork, a spring, and a spoon too. There were several practice runs some of which ended up in us having to reglue pieces on the Chocolate Machine racer. In the end, Joey's car was pretty fast, but there was one car faster, the Arrowhead by Andre.

Joey talked of nothing but going to the workshop all week, and I expect him to continue to talk about this experience for the week to come as well. He was pretty darn excited! So was Mom!!! We had a great time and would do other museum workships in the future. We also hope to see more of Mr. Gerberich's work sometime again soon too.

All of today's pics are here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun!!