Day two was all about seeing Thomas! We got up early and had a breakfast fit for a little king at McDonald's. Our ride time was 10:45AM. So, as soon as we were done eating, we went to see Thomas. Bear in mind that Johnny turns 5 this coming Friday 7/30, and this is part of his b'day present. We had seen many of the Thomas exhibits the night before but went to see what wasn't open or what we'd missed while we waited. Then it was all aboard for a fun train ride along what I think was part of Deep Creek. The steel bridge was historical and built in 1899. In one of my pics, you can magnify the details of it. Very nice weather for our open style coach car. Really nice view down on the water. If only Joey hadn't gotten upset about...what was it he was upset about? Well, he was real upset for part of the trip. Before we knew it, the ride was over and we were getting off.
We decided to drive to Cherokee. We drove through the Indian reservation to get to the Smoky Mountain National Park. We chose to drive the Parkway over to Gatlinburg, TN. That was approx. 30 miles, but it took 2+ hours to get there because we stopped at scenic overlooks and took pictures. In Garlingburg, we ate at the Texas Roadhouse and then we drove back the way we came getting back to the log cabin just in time to let the boys take another dip in the hot tub before bed.
I really enjoyed all the photo ops on day 2. The Cedar Waxwing at the state line stop was just awesome as were the many different varieties of wildflowers.
The rest of day 2 pics are